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Our Client is a young company backed by 2 VC Funds, born to fill a gap in providing B2C mental wellbeing services, in Italy.

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The MM will join the Corporate Development function, which has been set up to provide guidance and insights for an international Group that keeps growing at amazing rates both inorganically…

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Troppo Alto

Il personaggio al centro dell’immagine promozionale qui sopra – l’americano Robert Wadlow (1918-1940) – dovrebbe essere l’uomo più alto mai esistito. Alla sua morte,  causata da un’infezione mal curata all’età di 22 anni, aveva…

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L’abolizione della ‘storia’

Nell’autunno dell’anno scorso il CEO della British Petroleum, Mr Bernard Looney (nella foto qui sopra), è stato cacciato dal suo incarico dal Consiglio di Amministrazione della multinazionale – 90mila dipendenti nel…

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Il mondo al rovescio

L’idea che le donne debbano restare in casa mentre gli uomini escono coraggiosamente a combattere e a ‘ procacciare la cena’ è vecchia almeno quanto la società occidentale. Già il poeta…

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Group CFO

A complex industrial international player, in the North of Italy, backed by Institutional Funds, was looking for the new GROUP CFO (CEO-1).

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An industrial player of strategic relevance, and revenues in excess of 1Bn€. Its strategic plan consisted of a number of initiatives designed to support growth and break with the past.

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Operating Partner

A specialized Investor focused on mid-market opportunities in the Italian PE – Credit & Special Situations, was addressing its attention to a potential investment, in the Tobacco space.

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CEO Office

A leading Italian technology group (large cap), backed by global Private Equity Funds, was committed to launch a new growth cycle through a deep and strategic transformation of the whole…

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