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Business case

CEO Office



A leading Italian technology group (large cap), backed by global Private Equity Funds, was committed to launch a new growth cycle through a deep and strategic transformation of the whole organization, according to their Strategic Plan, that was built by the PE with the support of a Top Tier Strategy firm around several transformation pillars, including: 1) sales effectiveness, 2) operations, 3) internal digitalization and 4) new acquisitions (M&A).


Within this context, our mandate was aimed to design the search for the newly established CEO Office: a multiple mandate, to build and shape the new team by sourcing Tier1 Strategy consultants, at different seniority level and with different competencies and track.

The main criticality was to balance the nuances of the new team, by selecting people who not only had the functional “must have”, yet also possessed the maturity and thought leadership to address highly complex challenges with direct exposure to both the new C-level Management on one side, and the organisation at all levels, on the other.


Our research focused on Top Tier strategy to identify individuals with: 1) strong track record of delivering complex transformation projects, 2) experience within large client organisations and 3) effective leadership and credibility in front of C-level executives.

Among those who presented this set of requirements, we focused the profiling on those who demonstrated excellent relationship skills and emotional intelligence, combined with the ability to influence and gain buy-in from others.

Given the complexity of the multiple search mandate, we consistently designed our activities and Executive Reports to regularly reflect the different project streams and each candidate’s fit.


The first mandate resulted into the hiring of five Transformation Managers/Directors, all sourced from Top Tier Strategy, with seniority ranging from Sr Manager up to Junior Partner.

A second mandate was launched a few months later, with the goal of complementing the first one with new additional skills and projects experience (i.e. Post Merger Integration); it resulted in the recruitment of two additional Transformation Managers to complement the team.

The Head of the CEO Office has consistently confirmed his appreciation of the team we have been able to build. To date, all of the people we have placed have performed well and some have already moved on to other roles in the organisation.


Following the success of the CEO’s Office project, the client has awarded us a number of other mandates across a range of functions.